2015 has been a year with many ups and downs, as is every year, as we struggle to keep animal rights high on the agenda for every human being in the world, especially governments from countries all around the world.
But there have been some highlights for the year and as you will be able to tell, as we take you through our most popular articles of 2015, our readers have an eclectic taste of the pet news that they want to hear, and we love that!
#4 Do you want an incredibly healthy doggy treat that will keep your guys happy all Christmas long
Well, you're in luck, this recipe will get tails wagging and heaps of apaws!
#3 This is a subject that has had a lasting effect on all of us here in the Yummypets team and we're sure for you at home
The Yulin Festival is something awful. You agreed, and thanks to you, we began to create awareness for this atrocity
#2 One of the cutest stories of hope came from the most unlikely of places
This little fella made a great recovery after being found in a bag of wood chips! We're so glad he's still alive!
#1 The health of our animals is so important to us
And that is why this 5 natural solutions to treating urinary tract infection in your kittens is so important. You agreed, because it became a very popular piece!
This was our favourite, the best of the best from YummyPets. We gave you a definitive list of the best pets, the petlebrities, the YummyPet Superstars. You responded perfectly!