Cats are mysterious animals. Sometimes clingy, sometimes playful, but other times introverted. It is not always easy to understand their language and determine if your cat loves you. So do they?
It is sometimes hard to tell if your cat loves you or just considers you a source of food and warmth. Unlike dogs, it is much harder to measure the attachment a cat has to their pet parent.
Nevertheless, cats show their attachment through gestures and actions that may not always be clear. Often, you may not realise that your cat is trying to tell you that they love you!
1. Your cat shows you their tummy
When a cat rolls around on their back and shows you their furry underbelly, it typically means that they absolutely trust you. This is because in this position, a cat is at their most vulnerable. This zone is also the most sensitive part of a cat and can evoke pleasure when being stroked. Rolling on their back can also be a way of attracting your attention.
2. Your cat rubs up against your legs or head
A cat that rubs up against your legs or head is trying to tell you that they like you (and also that you belong to them). While rubbing, cats emit pheromones that mark their territory. By doing this, they are making you part of their territory and telling other cats that you are their pet parent. Through this behaviour, your cat is demonstrating their trust and gratitude.
3. Your cat brings you prey
When your cat brings you prey that they have caught, this may not necessarily be a welcome surprise! But in doing this, your cat may well be trying to show you that they are agile and capable of hunting / feeding themselves. Some studies have also shown that cats believe humans are big, clumsy felines, and so our cats try to show us how to behave and add to the stockpile of food. Well, if your cat is trying to feed you then who's up for pigeon dinner?!
4. Your cat purrs
A cat's purr can often be heard when stroking, playing, or interacting with your cat. As a means of communication, your cat will purr to express their contentment, wellbeing, and affection for you. A cat's purr has also been found to relax those who hear it!
However, purring is not always associated with contentment. Some purrs may indicate stress or pain, or an underlying issue affecting your cat. Read more about why cats purr here.
5. Your cat sleeps in your bed
Cats are known for being independent and solitary. They enjoy the company of their pet parents but need peace and quiet in order to be able to rest.
However, it is not rare to see a cat asleep on their parent's bed. Soft, comfortable fabric can retain heat well and we all know that cats like warm places. A cat that sleeps in their pet parent's bed is likely to be more trusting and appreciative of their owner's presence.
How does your cat express their love to you?