Back to school is synonymous with a new change in pace. You are less often at home and have less time to devote to your pet. It impacts not only your own life, but also that of your pets. This transition can be very stressful for your pets.

Sensitive to the change of pace

Before any huge transition, it is important to prepare your animals. The return to daily life after several weeks of vacation can be complicated. It is possible to prepare the return to normal life by introducing new things into your pet's life. A new toy, a new walking path, activities to do alone - anything to help limit the pain of separation and the feeling of abandonment when you return home.

It is possible that your cat or dog is experiencing some form of stress related to this change in pace. This anxiety may be expressed by a lack of appetite, a lack of interest in play or by a longer sleep pattern.

If your pet refuses to eat, don't hesitate to spark its curiosity by adding some more interesting dishes with its kibbles such as meat or fish. This may also be an opportunity to change your pet's diet.

Your pet needs time to get used to this transition period. During this time, they may do a few things to get your attention. Try to dedicate some time to them. As the days go by, they will naturally return to their old rhythm.

Has your pet's behaviour changed since you returned back to school or back to work?

Source : La Dépèche


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    Zarina B I completely agree with this perspective. The back-to-school season indeed brings a significant change in daily routines, which can be challenging for both individuals and their pets. Pets, accustomed to having avatar world their owners around more often during the break, might feel stressed and anxious with the sudden reduction in attention and interaction. It's essential to consider their emotional well-being during this transition. Finding ways to ease their stress, such as maintaining a consistent feeding and walking schedule or providing extra playtime when you're home, can make a big difference. Let's not forget that our pets rely on us for stability and comfort, especially during times of change.

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