We all look forward to leaving on vacation! However, to get there, we have to travel. If your cat is coming with you, we've got some tips on how to travel by car together.

Here are a few tips to help you cat have a pleasant car ride when traveling to your vacation destination.

To help your cat get used to their carrier and limit their stress, you can leave it out for your cat at home. By doing this, you are allowing them the opportunity to sleep in it and hang out. It will not longer be seen as a "trap" when they have to leave the house.

Travel essentials

  • Cat carrier
  • Grooming accessories
  • Litter box and litter
  • Leash
  • Food and water bowls
  • Kibble
  • Water bottle
  • Paper towels or a towel

To be on the safe side

Cats should never be allowed to roam free in the car. It's important to place them in a carrier. In addition, it's recommended to buckle the seatbelt around the carrier to ensure stability and safety. Cats love cozy baskets, so you can place a thin blanket at the bottom of the carrier to help them feel more at home.

Prioritize finding a smooth plastic carriers that are easy to clean and disinfect, as opposed to wicker bags and crates.

It can be stressful to travel by car with a cat

Odors (gasoline, pollution), noises (horns, wind) and the sensation of being on the road can feel unusual for a cat. The stress of travel can, therefore, provoke a variety of symptoms: prostration, intensive meowing, urination, defecation, vomiting, and aggressiveness. If you notice a digestive problem, don't panic, just exit when you find the nearest rest area to clean their carrier and paws. As a precautionary measure, it's best to remove your cat's food bowls a few hours before setting off to avoid disturbing their digestion.

If you know your cat has trouble handling car journeys, talk to your vet, who can prescribe an anti-vomiting medication.

To ease their anxiety, you can spray a bit of calming pheromones in their cat carrier a few minutes before leaving.

Just like drivers, cats need to take a small break every 2 hours. Don't neglect these stops, which are necessary for both you and your cat. This will allow them to stretch their legs, have a drink, eat, and go to the litter box.

travel by car with a cat

How to travel by car in hot weather

It is never pleasant to travel when it's extremely hot outside.

Here are a few tips to keep your cat cool:

  • Water mister
  • Water bowl
  • Wet towel on top of the cat carrier
  • Keeping the windows ajar
  • Air-conditioning (to be used in moderation, as your cat could get sick)
  • Portable fan

It's important to make an effort to understand your cat's needs. Don't forget that a cat is a living being and that each of them handles traveling differently. Also, encourage your passengers to caress your cat, talk to them, and reassure them.

We hope you find these tips useful! Good luck and have a nice trip!

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    claire F Je pars en vacances avec mes 2 chats. Vacances d'hiver et d'été. Les deux cages prennent chacune un siège. J'ai intégré une litière derrière le siège passager. Croquettes et de l'eau au cas où. C'est en vacances que je leur mets un collier avec médaille et mon n° de tel. Pause pour les faire sortir de la cage, mais que dans la voiture. Car j'ai failli en perdre un chat qui a eu peur du bruit sur une aire d'autoroute. Cette année je prévois des alèses en plus du coussin dans la carge au cas où il y aurait un pipi accidentel. Certains trajet durent 10h00. Mes deux minous miaulent évidemment pendant 1h00, et après ils dorment. Je refuse de leur donner des calmants qui les shootent. J'ai essayé d'autres trucs , ça ne fonctionne pas. Une fois arrivé, je leur montre la litière en 1er et la gamelle après. Après c'est que du bonheur d'être avec mes 2 chats en vacances.

    claire F J'oubliais chose très importante la cage est attachéee avec la ceinture et sanglée,.