The Cat House on the Kings is paradise for many cats. This Californian cat sanctuary is absolutely amazing and should be the home of all abandoned cats out there!

Inspirational Numbers

Lynea Lattanzio founded the cat sanctuary in 1992 and since then has saved more than 24, 000 cats! They have helped around 7, 000 dogs and neutered around 40, 000 animals as well. This cat paradise is now home to 700 cats and kittens, a few dogs and peacocks.

Their Mission

The cat sanctuary and adoption centre is California’s largest. Their mission is to provide a safe space for cats with a no- cage and no- kill philosophy. They provide these cats with a safe, happy and loving home for life.

The Cat House on the Kings is a non- profit corporation and they rely completely on public donations. If you live in California and you are looking to adopt a cat, this is the place to go!

Source: Minutebuzz &

Photos: Christina Gandolfo

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