A few weeks ago, while I was surfing on the Internet, (cats are all over the Internet, so am I!) I discovered a wonderful blog to celebrate the love for your pets! Amazing! An interesting, fun and entertaining blog, I needed to meet the blogger, Lisa. Well unfortunately, I'm in France and Lisa lives in Canada, but after a few tweets and a great chat, I'm proud to present you The Pet Blog Lady's interview!
So Lisa, tell us about you, when did you start to bond with pets?
[caption id="attachment_6406" align="aligncenter" width="166"] Lisa Taron - The Pet Blog Lady[/caption]My name is The Pet Blog Lady (aka Lisa Taron) and I live in Western Canada with my hubby Dave and my dog Oscar (also known as Sir Fetch-a-lot). I have always been a "pet person", growing up with hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, rabbits, mice, garter snakes and even a pet crow named Edgar who was abandoned as a young bird. We also had family dogs, 2 labs and a crazy Airedale named Arnold. I work as a professional pet blogger and have a few other "side" jobs.
I saw on the internet you also have a company called Heritage Makers, is there a link with your blog?
I am one of the Founding Directors of a company called Heritage Makers, an online digital scrapbooking and printing business. My website is Make Books Online I am not as involved as I use to be but still have my website and help people to create keepsakes. I especially encourage pet parents to create projects that help celebrate the love for their pets. You can create hard and soft cover books, playing cards, posters, calendars and more. On a side note, all the earnings I make from that business goes directly into feeding my Pet Blogging, Social Media and Pet Expo conference "habit".
You work with Hope for Paws, so how do you help them? What is exactly your role in the association?
I am basically a HUGE fan of Hope for Paws and I promote them as best I can as a blogger. I don't work for them per se. They in turn have adopted me in a sense as their "Pet Blogger of Choice". Hope for Paws is a registered charity animal rescue group based in Los Angeles, California. They have saved thousands of dogs lives over the years. It was Founded and is operated by Eldad and Audrey Hagar, two "Angels on Earth" I call them. Eldad's You Tube Videos have surpassed 13,000,000 views and one of the dogs they rescued, Fiona, was 2012 ASPCA Dog of the Year.
Can you tell us about the Pet blog Lady's plans for the future?
I am setting a goal of being one of the top 3 pet bloggers in North America and I would love to see myself travelling every month to either a blogging conference or a pet expo. I am also sharpening up my public speaking skills as I am starting to be asked to speak on how pet businesses can use social media, specifically blogging, to attract customers and create a community of followers. I have been nominated for a Nose-To-Nose Pet Bloggers Award for Best Blog in the Humor Category. Pretty thrilled about that! That will be announced at the Blogpaws Conference in May.
Do you follow other pet blogs? Which ones?
I follow several pet blogs and often participate in "Blog Hops". I belong to the Blogpaws community, where there are hundreds of fellow pet bloggers like myself.
My favorite pet blogs are:
What's your opinion on pets & the internet? Is it a good/bad thing that so many pets are on socials networks?
I think it is a fantastic thing having "pets on the net". It's a very expressive and creative outlet for people and it shows just how much we love and treasure our furry (and in some cases feathery and leathery) family members.
You share your life with a dog, Oscar, can you tell us about a typical day with him?
Oscar is a (almost) 12 year old Bichon Frise who is full of beans even in his senior years. We talk our daily walk and as an office assistant, he's pretty good at shredding paper and letting me know when the delivery guy is here. Making coffee and answering the phone? Not so much. His English is terrible.
[caption id="attachment_6405" align="aligncenter" width="239"] Oscar[/caption]
Since you are a dog parent, do you define yourself as a dog person, or are you an "all pets" person?
I am definitely an all around pet person. Unfortunately I am quite allergic to cats and can't be around them unless I'm on a pretty heavy duty allergy pill. I grew up with 3 brothers so I even have a fondness for various reptiles, frogs, turtles. I will even save a spider if it's in the house and needs to be out with their spider pals.
Do you think pets and their "parents" kind of look alike, I mean, do people have similar characteristics with the pet they choose?
The people and the pets I have met over the years seem to definitely have matching personalities, more so than looks. However, I WISH I could get my hair to curl like Oscar's. He won't give up his secret and I have to keep resorting to curling hair mousse.
Finally, will we soon have the chance to meet Oscar on Yummypets?
You bet! He's all signed up and ready to party on YummyPets!
Thank you so much Lisa for this great interview!
And you can meet Oscar on Yummypets here!