While it is true that most cats do not like water, some cats enjoy it and can even play with or take a bath.

How do I know if my cat likes water?

If your cat stays by your side when you're in the bath, likes to dip their paws in the water, goes straight to the shower once you finish showering, or roams around the sink to play with the running water, there's no doubt about it, your feline friend certainly likes water!

However, many cats do not like to be splashed on their eyes, head, and ears. Cat fur retains water and does not allow cats to warm up very well when they are wet. This is why most cats hate baths.

Should I try to accustom my cat to water?

You can definitely teach your cat to be familiar with water. It's always easier to teach a kitten to love water than an older cat. Obviously, a cat who has been accustomed to water since it was a kitten will find it easier to like it. You will therefore have less difficulties when taking your kitten a bath. With that in mind, we recommend that you start the learning process gently. For example, you should never force your cat.

Cat breeds

Some cat breeds like water more than others. For example, the Bengal, the Turkish Van and the Abyssinian tend to like water a lot. In fact, the Turkish Van is even nicknamed the swimming cat. These cats are not afraid of water. Instead, they really enjoy it! This could be explained by their ancestors who had to swim to be able to feed themselves.

Big cats

When it comes to big cats, those living in warmer areas typically like water while those living in colder areas do not. For example, tigers, lions and jaguars enjoy refreshing themselves by bathing in waterholes in the savannah. On the other hand, wild cats and snow leopards that live in colder environment do not appreciate water at all because their thick fur that retains it.

Is it dangerous to give my cat a bath?

If your cat is short-haired and lives indoors, it usually isn't necessary to bathe your cat. After all, cats are experts at grooming themselves! Long-haired cats, on the other hand, may need to be bathed. If your short-haired cat has rolled in the mud, for example, you can give them a bath.

It is important to use shampoo specifically made for cats. You should not use human shampoo on cats because it is not adapted to their pH. If you are unsure about anything, you can always ask your veterinarian for advice. When bathing your cat, make sure that the temperature of the water is at room temperature. Also, be sure that it is not to hot or too cold. It should be lukewarm. In addition, it is important to be gentle when scrubbing your cat. Do not rush it. Another important to keep in mind is that you should avoid large gestures that could stress your cat. After your cat is well rinsed, dry them off with a warm towel. You can also use a hair dryer, but do not force your cat if they do not like it!

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