Cat paradise has been found - and it's at the home of Peter Cohen in California. This man completely transformed his house for his 22 cats.

A home for cats

The house has a very particular style of decoration because it is filled with mats, tunnels, shelves and ramps fixed to the walls.

Peter started on his dream of a home for cats in 1988. After having been in a car accident, he took stock of his like and decided to dedicate himself to this project. The aim? Transform his house into a playground for cats in order to stimulate their senses.

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Peter read a lot of material about cat well-being, how to adopt an interior to their needs, make sure that they are safe, while still offering places in which to play and explore.

Little by little, his fitted out his house with cat trees, high-up hidey-holes and other scratching posts... he could then welcome into his home more cats.

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Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)

Today, Peter has 22 cats with him that were all adopted from shelters. Peter wished to give a happy new life to cats who hadn't had the easiest start in life, often found abandoned or mistreated.

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One of his cats, Peanut, was diagnosed with Feline Infectious Peritonitis, a viral disease that affects cats all over the world, be they stray or domestic. However, Peanut passed away from this illness. Peter therefore gave himself a new mission: I wanted to raise awareness of this illness and raise funds to help in the research of a treatment.

"As humans, we can't resolve the big problems [...] but we can resolve the small ones. Each cat adopted from a shelter is another living, feeling creature that has a home, love and care. It's so simple." explained Peter.

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Discover Peter's home in this video:

Source : Love meow

Crédits photos : Johanna Siegmann Photography

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