A café full of exotic pets has just opened in Hanoi, Vietnam! If you are a fan of snakes, reptiles and spiders this café is for you and a visit should definitely be on your bucket list!

Animal Café


The new café has a simple name, Animal Café, and is the home to many unusual animals in glass cages. Customers can simply enjoy their refreshments and admire the animals or they could play with them.

A former stockbroker, Nguyen Minh Nghia, had had enough of the busy corporate world and decided to open the café because of his love and fascination for animals. Nguyen became enamoured by these animals and searched far and wide to make an incredible collection for his cafe.

He went to Singapore, China, Thailand and Australia to collect the different reptiles. This really ensures that any customer should get their money’s worth!

blog_yummypets_reptile_cafe_in_vietnam_03_10_2015Glass Cages 

Nguyen dug holes into the walls of the coffee shop so that glass cages could fit into them. These cages were built with steel frames and a special lighting system was installed to accommodate the many exotic animals.

It took about six to eight months to tame the many animals so that they could interact with the customers! Therefore it is definitely safe if you are daring enough to play with them.

What do you think of this café?  Would you let a spider walk on your hand?

Source : Design Taxi

Photos : tuoitrenews.vn

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