While some people are afraid of mice, these clean and intelligent rodents only wish to be loved. Are you thinking about adopting a mouse?

Adopting a mouse: everything you need to know

The average lifespan of a domestic mouse is relatively short. For example, they rarely live longer than three years.

An adult mouse weighs around 28 grams (≈ 0.9 ounces) and measures around 6 to 8 cm. Males are generally larger than females.

It is relatively inexpensive and easy to take care of a mouse. However, it is important to maintain their well-being by regularly cleaning their cage. It is also important to learn to handle them with gentleness and care because these little rodents are fragile.

If you decide to adopt a female mouse, it is best to take at least a second mouse so that she does not get bored. Do not take a male and a female. A mouse can have up to 15 litters of 10 to 12 mice per year! We'll let you do the math!

Preparing for your mouse's arrival

Like for any pet, it is important to think long and hard about adopting a mouse and make sure that every member of the family approves.

Before their arrival, prepare their cage. Ideally, the cage should be 60 cm x 40 cm. The bars should be close enough so that your mouse does not run away.

The cage should be placed in a calm area, away from draughts and temperatures that are too low or too high. It is best to clean the cage weekly. Inside the cage, place a small animal water bottle, far from the litter area, which should be changed regularly.

Also, place a small bowl inside the cage for their food. Mouse food is readily available in supermarkets and pet stores. Mice are omnivores and primarily eat grain products. They also enjoy eating sunflower seeds, almonds, and hazelnuts. Do not give your mouse chocolate or other sugary treats.

You should also prepare their litter, ideally made up of hemp, corn or flax, but never wood shavings, which release a substance toxic to mice when they come into contact with urine. The litter should be changed once a week.

You can place a mouse wheel, and other toys to keep them entertained and get some exercise.

In their cage, you can place a little house made of plastic with hay or small pieces of fabric inside so that they can hide and snuggle up inside. However, avoid cotton at all costs, which is a real trap for a mouse's paws.

Keeping your mouse physically and mentally stimulated

Give your mouse time to get used to their new home before trying to hold them. After a few days, you can take your mouse in your hands, as long as your are careful. Do not take them by the tail and avoid picking them up with an object. They need to get used to you. To do this, place your hand in the cage a little each day. They will get used to you, your smell, and will quickly climb all over you!

You can keep them entertained with ropes and paper towel rolls, it isn't necessary to spend a lot of money to keep them stimulated.

Last tip: if you ever feel like your rodent is not feeling well, do not hesitate to consult a vet.

Do you have a mouse? Are you considering adopting one?

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