In the town of Mogi das Cruzes, there is a very special petrol station. Not only can you buy gas there, you can make friends with Negão the dog, who was abandoned in that same place as a puppy.
A model employee
The four-legged employee is very popular with local customers, with his playful and calming demeanour. "Negão waits for people to arrive, and then goes up to say hello, winning them over with his charms," said Plannerer, the manager of the petrol station. "Customers love him. Some people even bring him toys."
Negão has been there for over two years. Plannerer first spotted him when visiting the site of what was to become the petrol station. He had been abandoned there by his previous owners though still being a puppy. He was too scared to leave the site so Plannerer decided to hire him.
A happy home
"We adopted him immediately and got him all the care animals need," said Plannerer. "We took him to the vet to get vaccinated and de-wormed. We bought him food, a dog house, and a leash to take him on walks."
Now, Negão has just become part of the scenery. Like all other employees, he has an official uniform as well as a hat and name tag.
Brazilian charity Grupo FERA, an association working to pair stray dogs with businesses until they find a home, first shared these photos, bringing them into the spotlight.