When she was a few days old, Moyo the baby elephant almost drowned while trying to cross a flooded river. She survived, but was in danger of being attacked by a pack of hyenas. Luckily, Wild Is Life sanctuary rangers saved her just in time!


A beautiful new friendship 

Wild Is Life founder, Roxy Danckwerts, took Moyo in and the two formed a beautiful friendship immediately. “She knows my voice, my smell and somehow knows where I am at all times. Moyo is one of those animals with whom I have formed an extraordinary bond of friendship, trust and love.” says Roxy.

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Growing up

Moyo is now 14 months old, and not aware of how strong she is, or how big she’s gotten.  Her raids around the house are getting a bit more difficult for Danckwerts to handle. Still, she says that it will be very sad to say goodbye to little Moyo.


”Letting go will be hard. However, I am so determined and so sure of this road that I have chosen. I want the best for the elephant children, and that best is freedom to roam and to make their own choices.”


For more about this lovely story, watch the video here. 


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