Today is a day that none shall forget. Today is the day dreams become reality. Today is the day I, Gossip Kitty, have interviewed my mentor, my model, the most amazing cat on the Internet - and on the planet- Lil BUB!

I don't need to introduce her, but I'll do it anyway: BUB is a magic perma-kitten from space. She crashed-landed here two years ago and found her dude. With his help, BUB has become a star on the internet and is saving the Earth!

So BUB, you've became a real star here on Earth, were you as famous on your planet?

Hi. Good question. No, there is no such thing as "fame" on our planet. Everyone on my planet is also named BUB, they are all family, look just like me and are just as amazing as me. It's the best place in space.

What do you like the most about Earth?

You guys have lots more colors than we do and that's probably my favorite part. All we have is white, black, purple and green. With some splashes of gold.

What's a typical day in your life like BUB?

Pretty routine. Wake up, eat, nap, save the planet, poop, pee, eat, nap, frolic, save the planet, watch netflix, sleep.

Could you tell us what your silliest trait is?

I have no silly traits to tell of. I'm here to do serious work!

What about your best memory so far?

That's a hard question! Especially considering I am a time traveler... the notion of a memory becomes pretty abstract when you can revisit it whenever you want. But it's been a while since I've time traveled, so in the recent relative past, my best memories are at home hanging with my dude.

Reading BUB 2 real tweaked pt2 small

You've met a lot of cats making your movie Lil' BUB and friendz, do you have a best cat-friend?

Actually I didn't really meet very many cats at all! But I did meet Pudge, and she is fabulous. I also met a swell kitty named Squirrel. But outside of the movie I basically have one cat friend, his name is SMOOSH and he holds the key to my space kitty heart.

After your movie, your book Lil BUB's lil book is coming out soon, what's next?

My dude, his pals, and I are ready to debut "Lil BUB's Big SHOW". It's a late night talk show and I'm the host. You have to see it to believe it, and the first episode, featuring special guest Whoopi Goldberg, debuts on September 3rd, the same day as my book release and the documentary.

Last question BUB, any chance we see you on Yummypets one day?

Nothing is impossible.

Thanks BUB! 

Today is "Good Job BUB" Day, don't forget to watch "Lil BUB's big SHOW" tonight!

You can also buy "Lil BUB's lil book" or try to win it next week with Yummypets!

Connect with Lil BUB on: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and don't forget to check out her magic website!


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