Obesity is an excess of body fat that can impair health and quality of life. Not only humans can suffer from obesity: our pets can too.

Even thought cats seem to regulate their diet better than dogs, they can still gain excessive weight.
The world's animals are getting fatter, just like humans!

A few facts:

Did you know that cats have a higher tendency of becoming overweight than dogs?

For example, there are 20 million obese cats in the USA, versus 16 million dogs.

Do not forget that castrated male and female cats and dogs have a tendency to become obese!

Beware of commercial dog treats: they are filled with sugar and other unhealthy ingredients, it is very easy to cook healthy treats for your dog, check it out here.

As a dog, a cat should only eat when you allow it, and need plenty of water with their food.


Ideal weight & daily caloric needs:

Cats: a cat should weight 5-10 lbs and should not exceed 200 calories a day. Except for Maine Coons who can weight up to 25 lbs and eat 400 calories per day!

Dogs: they have very different needs from a breed to another. Here are a few examples:

  • Golden Retriver: 65-75 lbs, 850-1000 calories a day
  • German Sheherd: 75-95 lbs, 1000-1400 calories a day
  • Yorkshire: 7 lbs, max 160 calories a day
  • Poodle: 11-17 lbs, 275-325 calories a day

To keep your dog healthy, ask your veterinarian about its specific needs.


How do you tell if your dog is overweight?

  •  Difficult to feel ribs under fat,
  • Flat back with no waist
  • Sagging stomach

How do you tell your pet has a healthy weight?

  • Ribs are easily felt
  • Visible waist
  • No saggy stomach, tucked abdomen

So, is your pet up for a diet?


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