As ferret teeth are predisposed to tartar, they require special care. Learning how to brush your ferret's teeth is essential to keeping them healthy and white.

Why should I brush my ferret's teeth?

Ferrets' teeth are naturally predisposed to plaque, which hardens over time to form tartar. Over time, ferrets can accumulate gingivitis (inflammation of the gums), which can ultimately lead to the loosening of their teeth.

A veterinarian is the only person qualified to remove tartar from a ferret's teeth, who are placed under anesthetic. However, you can prevent tartar build-up by brushing your ferret's teeth.

How do I brush my ferret's teeth correctly?

Ferrets rarely allow their teeth to be brushed without a fuss. It's very unpleasant for them. For this reason, it's important not to do it too often. We recommend brushing your ferret's teeth when they are most prone to tartar: when they are young and when they are over three years old.

To brush your ferret's teeth, simply apply a small amount of dog or cat toothpaste to a special brush or gauze pad. This type of toothpaste is perfectly suited to ferrets, as it neither foams nor rinses off.

It's important to pay particular attention to areas where tartar is most easily deposited, notably the molars.

Key words: prevention and vigilance

As a general rule, prioritize kibble over canned food, which helps prevent plaque formation.

If you notice yellowish or even brownish spots on your ferret's teeth, make sure to talk to your vet.

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Photo credits: Irina Vasilevskaia on iStock

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