Friendship between animals of different species is one of the most beautiful phenomenons. Here is one that will definitely melt your heart. These three are inseparable!

A strong bond

Watson and Kiko, two golden retrievers, have several housemates, including birds and a hamster. However out of the whole household, it seems Harry is their best friend.

Harry is an adorable cat who formed a strong bond with the dogs straight away. They spend their days together, and share a very important hobby: napping.

Their owner likes to capture some of the sweetest moments the three share together, and we can’t get enough!

Deux golden retrievers font la sieste avec un chat. Deux golden retrievers font la sieste avec un chat. Deux golden retrievers font la sieste avec un chat. Deux golden retrievers font la sieste avec un chat. Deux golden retrievers font la sieste avec un chat.

Aren’t they so cute?/p>

Do your pets get along well?

Source : Bored Panda

Photos : Instagram/

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