General life expectancy in bunnies is around 8 or 10 years. However, with the right care, they can live for up to 15 years. Bunnies are social pets that enjoy other pets’ company (especially the same species). Just like cats, they are most active during the night.
Diet for your bunny
Make sure that the feeding schedule is respected so that you create good habits. It needs to be split into two intakes, but leave water and hay in reach. Ideally, per day your bunny should consume: 150 gm of hay + 100 gm of vegetables per kg body weight + 30 gm of fodder per kg body weight. There are some foodstuffs that you should never give to your rabbit: nuts, cereals, legumes, cauliflower, parsley, cat or dog food, meat, cooked food, chocolate, onion, avocado, garlic, cheese or any other dairy product.
Ideal temperature for your bunny
The perfect temperature for a rabbit is between 18° and 21° C.
Take care of your bunny's teeth
As bunnies teeth grow quickly, try to make pieces of wood and toys available, so that they can wear away their teeth progressively.
Minimum amount of space for your bunny
Every bunny needs a minimum amount of space. This space must be at least four meters, plus two extra meters for every additional partner. Since bunnies need to have company, taking into consideration that you will bring other partner(s) in the future, the most useful way to be prepared for this is to have a large space free of cables, sockets and fragile items; and place in this spot the cage with hay, a tray for its business and a bottle of water.
Special attention for your bunny
There are a few things that you need to be very careful about. These different symptoms should be taking seriously. - Loss of appetite
- More than 12 hours without doing its business
- Short of breathing
- Scab on the ear
- Convulsion
- Immobility after a fall
If your bunny presents any of these symptoms, you should take it to the vet.
Source: Animalear