When Angel picked a beautiful pink rose to give to her mom, she never expected to find what she did inside! The usual act that follows when receiving a rose is to smell it and this is exactly what this family, from Texas, did. They were greeted by a tiny sleeping lizard, curled up in the rose. What an adorable sight!

The Lizard

Inside the pink rose was a Carolina or Green anole lizard, taking a nap. These lizards can be found in the southern-eastern parts of North America. The male lizards are usually very territorial and aggressive; they have been seen fighting their own reflection in a mirror! What a funny sight that must have been.

A Rose Bed

Imagine taking a nap in a rose? It looks like the perfect bed; the rose is incredibly soft inside, it has a beautiful colour, it allows for a small breeze, the aroma must be amazing and it got to be pretty safe! This is the last place any predator would search for food.

A Small Peek

The lizard seems not to have moved when being transferred in the rose. He did however open an eye to have a peek at what was happening around him. Once he had decided that all was well and there was no apparent danger, he closed his eyes again to resume his nap! 


The family couldn’t bear to move the lizard either, they thought he looked so peaceful and happy in his rose bed.


Next time you pick a rose, remember to check for any surprises inside!


Source: Bored Panda

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