If you want to adopt a new atypical pet that requires little maintenance and a lot of advantages, then hens are for you! They also allow you to enjoy good organic eggs.
These last few years, urbanites have started to adopt hens in order to feel closer to nature. Did you know that a hen lays an average of 300 eggs per year? It is also perfect if you have a garden since hens serve as both an insecticide (pecking at all insects, snails, and slugs) and an all natural fertilizer (their excrement enriches the soil)!
Before adopting a hen, here is some useful information:
How to choose your hen
It is best to have more than one hen because hens are gregarious animals. If your hen does not live with at least one coopmate, they will become unhappy and could become depressed. It is also best to choose a young hen. After 3 years, a hen lays much less eggs and after 8 years, they won’t be able to produce eggs anymore. However, you can still offer your chickens a peaceful retreat after 8 years old, as they can live for up to 15 years. You can opt for a breed from your area. If you want eggs even in the winter, choose a breed that is known to lay eggs in the winter, because hens usually produce eggs during the warm seasons. Some breeds are known to be more suitable for small spaces like the dwarf Beijing and the Sabelpoot. Each breed also has its own character: the Batam Beijing is considered calm hen, while the Red Hen has a good character and is very endearing... If you only have a few chickens, avoid placing a rooster among them. In general, a rooster needs 8 hens to mate.
Do you have enough space?
For the wellbeing of your hens, it is very important to provide a well appointed and clean shelter. The question of the hen coop is essential because it requires a lot of space and maintenance. It should be placed away from the wind sun and extreme heat. Also make sure to install a nest in a quiet location and a perch. Finally, it is essential to clean it at least 2 times per month.
You should also know that a hen can not stay all day in the barn. They love to walk and inspect gardens. It takes approximately 40m2 minimum for 2 hens. Be sure to mark their path with a fence.
Now you know almost everything! Feel free to request additional information from professional breeders!
Photo credit : Yummypets