Have you ever seen your cat breathe with their mouth open? While their distinctive pout can look silly and make you laugh, it's important not to overlook this. In this Yummypets article, discover the different reasons why your cat might be breathing with their mouth open.

To begin with, it's important to understand that a cat's normal respiration is done only with the nose. Unlike humans, breathing out through the mouth, or constantly having the mouth open, is not normal functioning. While there are benign causes of open-mouthed breathing, there are also more serious causes, which are important to be aware of.

They are interpreting an odor that is stimulating them

As we mentioned earlier, humans and felines are two totally distinct species, each with their own particular ways of living and surviving.  As you might already know, cats have highly developed senses, especially when it comes to their sense of smell. Cats can smell all kinds of odors, as well as substances such as pheromones.

When they smells these scents, a system of interpretation is immediately put in place to obtain information about the stimulus (social group, or, for example, the detection of a female in heat). This interpretation takes place in the vomeronasal organ, located between their muzzle and mouth. This extremely powerful sensory organ receives olfactory information and sends it to the cerebral cortex.

Therefore, if your cat is breathing with their mouth open, it could simply means that they're trying to interpret a smell that's really catching their attention! Isn't that fascinating?

cat mouth open breathe leash

Stressful situations

If you notice that your cat is breathing with their mouth open, sometimes with their tongue out, during a trip to the vet, for example, don't worry. Also, if a sudden event has occurred recently, or if your pet lives in a noisy or agitated environment, this could be a possible cause. A stressful situation accelerates your pet's heart rate, and therefore their breathing. This reaction may also be accompanied by excessive salivation.

Heat stroke

Also, during hot weather, cats may breathe with their mouths open. It's important to note that this form of mouth breathing is very inefficient for felines. Therefore, it's important to check that your cat has a good source of hydration. If in doubt, consult your vet for advice.

Respiratory distress

Once you think you've eliminated the previous causes, it's important to look at more serious causes that shouldn't be taken lightly. A cat that breathes with their mouth open is a cat that may be having difficulty breathing. While the causes of respiratory distress may be temporary, such as after stress or heatstroke, a lasting manifestation of this type of disorder should alert you.

Respiratory distress can be caused by a range of disorders or illnesses of varying severity.

Being overweight

If your cat is overweight, it's not without health risks. In addition to weakening the cardiovascular system and motor functions, being overweight is not good for your cat's respiratory system. In fact, too much excess fat can interfere with the proper functioning of your pet's respiratory system, leading to actual respiratory failure. However, just like us humans, not all animals are equal when it comes to obesity. Obesity is not always fatal, and does not always lead to these disorders. Nevertheless, it's important to evaluate your pet's diet and lifestyle to preserve its health.

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An intoxication or an allergy

Food poisoning or allergies can also cause respiratory distress. After all, our pets are keen explorers, and we can't always keep track of what they eat all day long. However, an allergic or intolerance reaction is usually accompanied by other symptoms such as acute diarrhea, vomiting and even convulsions.

An infectious disease

Just as humans are exposed to the flu or the common cold, cats are also exposed to many infectious diseases caused by viruses or bacteria. Although many viruses can penetrate your cat's body, the most common are coryza viruses. In cases like this, symptoms are relatively easy to detect, as breathing difficulties are accompanied by nasal and ocular discharge, coughing and wheezing. Although cumbersome, this disease is generally very well-treated if caught early.

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cat breathe mouth open outside

A lung or heart condition

Our furry friends are not all equal when it comes to the way their bodies function. That's why, even if your cat is in good health, it's possible for them to have a respiratory or cardiac fragility. For example, asthma or cardiac arrhythmia are chronic pathologies of your pet's cardio-respiratory system, both of which can lead to breathing difficulties. If correctly diagnosed, there are a number of treatments available to reduce the symptoms.

Rare: a tumor

In the rarest cases, respiratory difficulty can manifest itself after the development of tumors located in the animal's mediastinum (the thoracic region separating the two lobes of the lungs), and causing significant compression of the respiratory system. As mentioned earlier, if in doubt, your vet can perform a chest X-ray and other tests to rule out or include this possibility.

My cat is breathing with their mouth open. What should I do?

As you can see, many reasons can cause your cat to breathe this way. For this reason, it's important to attentively observe your cat to be able to identify the behaviors or complementary symptoms. This observation is essential to provide information that your vet needs to attribute a precise diagnostic. If necessary, your vet will also carry out additional tests to confirm their leads. Lastly, they will suggest an appropriate treatment to treat or, at best, relieve your pet's discomfort.

Has your cat ever breathed with their mouth open?

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