Cats are known for their pickiness. In this article, we will share advice to help you better understand your cat's tastes.
The right food
A cat's tastes are influenced by their genetic make-up, their mother's eating habits and the food you give them. Cats can be stubborn, so when they do not like something, they will not eat it.
Cats can go without eating for several days if the food that they are given does not fit their tastes. If your cat does not eat longer than 48 hours, consult a vet, because this is not normal.
However, when cats stop eating, they can develop serious issues, especially if they are slightly overweight. It is, therefore, important to listen to your cat to better understand them and show your affection.
The right temperature
In the wild, cats hunt and eat their prey straight away. The prey that they catch are at ambient temperature. That is why a cat can be recalcitrant to eat wet food if it has come out of the fridge.
A cat's palate is very sensitive. They can detect oxidation in their food. If you have not correctly closed your cat's packet of kibble and they have been exposed to too much air, they might refuse to touch it. Also, you might want to change how you stock your pet's food. Their senses are extremely developed and they are true experts. The slightest trace of humidity can make the crunchiness of kibble go away and this makes their food less enjoyable. This often happens when you start to reach the bottom of your cat's kibble bag.
The importance of the bowl
The bowl that your cat eats from is important, especially for wet food. Plastic is not recommended because in retains odors, even if there is only a crumb left inside. Therefore, it is better to look for bowls made out of glass, porcelain, or stainless steel. It is also recommended to find a bowl that is not too tall so that your cat's whiskers are not bothered while they eat. With that being said, the edges should be high enough to avoid a big mess when your cat eats.
Keep in mind:
Your cat might not eat when they are at a boarding facility, at a friend's house, or at the vet, even if they are given food that they typically like. This is simply because what tastes good at the house might not have the same taste elsewhere. However, cats love variety, and are even more willing to try new foods elsewhere. They can then go back to their habits when they return home.
Originally written by Agathe Warlop (Yummypets) and translated by Jennifer Eubank (Yummypets).
Is your cat finicky?
Thomas F