Spring is such a beautiful season. The flowers are blooming, the weather is warmer, and the world around us seems to be filled with cheer!
However, spring can be dangerous for our pets. In this article, we share a few tips on how to keep your dog safe in the spring so that you can enjoy this wonderful season together.
Lots and lots of parasites!
With the rising temperatures, parasites are able to reproduce and invade our gardens. Unfortunately, these parasites feed on the blood of our furry friends and it can be really difficult to get rid of them. During the spring, fleas and ticks are you pooch's ultimate enemy. For this reason, it is important to treat your pet for parasites as soon as the temperature start to rise. It's much easier to protect your pet from parasites than to treat them once parasites are already present. With that in mind, it's also just as important to protect your home from parasites. Houses are the perfect nest for these types of parasites. Once they are there, it's hard to get rid of them.
To find out if your dog has fleas, check their coat. If you see any small black spots on it, it could be flea droppings. To verify whether or not the black spots are from fleas, wipe a damp cloth over them and check if they leave a red color (blood). If you do see blood, fleas have already started to invade your dog's coat.
Keep in mind that fleas multiply very quickly and thus your home may be infested as well.
For more information on fleas and ticks, you can read this article on how to prevent and get rid of these pests: How to detect and get rid of fleas for dogs and cats
Beware of the pine processionary!
The small caterpillars of the pine processionary are far from harmless! These moths can be found in the south of France, as well as many other regions in France. Not only are these caterpillars dangerous for humans, but for animals as well. They have numerous stinging hairs and can cause allergic reactions, ranging from a simple case of hives to anaphylactic shock. In dogs, the pine processionary can even cause tongue necrosis. For this reason, it's important to be cautious when your dog is outside.
Not all insects are harmless!
Insects can also a danger for our dogs. Indeed, some diseases can be transmitted after a dog is bitten by an insect. The sandfly, an insect that sucks blood like mosquitoes, can transmit leishmaniasis.
The dangers of flowers and pesticides
As we all know, spring is a season of renewal—a time when flowers start to bloom. However, it's important to keep in mind that some plants can be toxic for your pet if they are ingested. Some of these toxic plants include the oleander, the lily of the valley, the rhododendron, and the cherry laurel.
In addition, fertilizers and pesticides can be toxic for our dogs. Therefore, we advise you to use natural solutions and fertilizers instead.
Put away your garden tools
It's important to keep your garden tools in a secure place instead of lying around somewhere in your garden. After using them, always remember to put them away properly because your dog could easily get hurt. Additionally, make sure to keep pesticides and barbecue related items out of your dog's reach.
The danger of pools
If you have a pool and like to go out and swim in the spring, remember to cover it when you are not using it. You can also set up an alarm system or have a fence installed to keep your dog safe. Dogs can easily drown after falling in the water.
Allergies in dogs
Spring is such a dreadful time of the year for allergy sufferers! Did you know that dogs can also have allergies?
It's true. In fact, dogs can develop certain allergies at any age.
In the spring, your dog may be especially susceptible to two types of allergies:
- Flea bite allergy dermatitis (FAD): This allergy is the most common. Dogs who have this allergy are allergic to the saliva released when a flea bites. Unfortunately, even a single bite can trigger an allergic reaction.
- Atopy: This is an allergic predisposition to different allergens that they inhale, such as pollen or dust mites for example.
These are just a few of the dangers your dog may face during this spring season. Now that you know some of the things to look out for, it's easier to keep your dog safe in the spring.
Do you have any tips that you'd like to share with us?