Temperatures are rising and summer is on its way! However, it's important to remember that our pets, just like us, need to be protected from the heat.

Some symptoms of heatstroke in pets such as cats and dogs are hyperventilation and depression. In this article, we'll share our tips on how to protect your pets from heatstroke.

Protecting your dogs and cats

Avoid going out during the hottest hours

Does your cat often go out during the day? Are you fond of long walks with your dog? During periods of high temperatures, it is best to limit the outings, especially during the hottest hours of the day between 10am and 4pm. It is much better to go out early in the morning or in the evening. You must also keep in mind that sidewalks and asphalt can reach temperatures up to 60°C (140°F). This can lead to burns on your pet's paws. A simple hand test will allow you to test the temperature of the ground. The same goes for the beach. If you like taking walks on the beach, keep in mind that the temperature can quickly rise and cause burns.

It is important to know that some dog breeds and cat breeds are more sensitive to heatstroke. This is particularly true of short-nosed breeds such as the Pug, the French Bulldog, and the English Bulldog. Be even more vigilant if you have one of these breeds.

Remember to hydrate your pets regularly

Always provide your pets with fresh, but not ice-cold, water to keep them hydrated. Don't be afraid to encourage your pets to drink, especially cats who are at the greatest risk of dehydration. If your pets do not drink a lot of water, you can help them stay hydrated by offering them wet food or fresh, water-rich foods (melons, watermelons, tomatoes).

You can also leave a small bowl of water outside for other animals like birds to come and drink.

Keep your home cool

When it is hot outside, it is difficult to keep your home cool. If you have to leave your pets alone, keep your blinds and windows closed during the day to keep them as cool as possible. Ventilate your home in the evening and early morning when temperatures are lower.

You can also invest in a cooling mat to help regulate your pet's temperature. If you have an outdoor area, you can install a small wading pool to cool your pet's paws and belly.

Taking care of your fish in summer

If you have an aquarium, you may have noticed that the water temperature can rise quickly. When it is hot outside, remember to change the water regularly to keep it at the right temperature. You can also install a temperature controller with a thermostat.

What about rodents and reptiles?

Small animals also need help to stay cool during hot weather. You can prevent heatstroke by placing your rodent's cage out of direct sunlight and favoring a cool place. Don't use terrariums or other plexiglass cages that don't allow air to circulate. This causes the temperature to rise quickly. It is also advisable to remove plastic shelters.

If you have reptiles, they are also susceptible to heatstroke. Give them a water dish so that they can get wet if necessary.

What do you do to keep your pets cool when it's hot outside?

Originally written by Agathe Warlop (Yummypets) and translated by Jennifer Eubank.

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