Do you love Christmas, with its twinkly lights and family traditions? Well, we guarantee that you don't love it as much as Kya, the Shiba Inu!
Kya loves Christmas
Kya lives in Orlando, Florida, but despite the hot weather, she has many Christmas-themed toys. Kya's family, John and Angelina Montaldo, learned that their local shopping centre was offering to take pictures of pets with Santa Claus, so decided that this was exactly the occasion to take Kya.
John explained that Kya is always a happy dog, but was over the moon to be able to sit on Santa's lap for the title photo. You can definitely tell by looking at her little face!
"When she saw him for the first time, she got all excited! And then, when we put her next to Santa, she became very calm, and very admirative," explained John.
John never thought that the photo would go viral!
"I thought that I would just make my friends laugh on Instagram, and get 20 likes on Instagram!" he said.
In reality, one of John's tweets exploded onto the net, with more than 91,000 retweets and more than 152,000 favourites.
My dogs favorite toy is Santa, so we brought her to see him
— John (@jjmontaldo) 23 november 2016
It seems that Kya was born to become a star. Don't hesitate to follow the adventures of the stunning family on Instagram!
Source : Buzzfeed