Come playtime, does your kitty-cat go with the flow or do they like to play by their own rules?
Here is a little quiz to help you decide what kind of playmate your cat is.
1. You bring out a feather to tickle the nose of your cat - how do they react?

a. They look at you with impatience, ready to pounce on this annoying fluffy thing.
b. They ignore you, eyes closed.
c. They look at you and start playing with something else.
d. They seem interested and join in the game after a bit of encouragement.
2. What game would your cat like best?

a. Charades - they're very intelligent and would always have the right answer.
b. Checkers - they would spend most of the time lying next to the board and playing with the counters.
c. Simon says - and they would always be Simon, obviously.
d. Hide and seek - they prefer to hide and you would have to find them.
3. You come home - how does your cat welcome you?

a. They miaow, purr and rub themselves against your leg, visibly happy that you're back.
b. They don't move from their spot - after all, they saw you just a few hours ago.
c. They run to the kitchen and ask to be fed.
d. They see you pass by and will join you when they feel like it.
4. How does your cat react when you pet them while they're asleep?

a. They stretch and purr.
b. They stay in dreamland.
c. They make discontented noises, signaling that you should leave them alone.
d. They look at you with one eye open, curl into a ball and go back to sleep.
5. If your cat was a professional athlete, what would be their nickname?

a. The Terminator : a fierce competitor but always ready to have a good time.
b. The Slugger: known for breaking all the records of least distance moved.
c. The General: known for their mastery on and off the battle field.
d. Heidi Klum: never has the time for an interview.
6. What would be your cat's strategy when playing Monopoly?

a. They would force you to continually stop at their hotels.
b. They would see if they could cover the entire board with their body.
c. They would send all the counters flying under the sofa and watch you until you have picked them all up.
d. They would climb into the box cover.
7. What is your cat's go-to move for attracting your attention?

a. They stretch their paws out towards you and give you kitty-dog eyes.
b. They lie on their back, showing your their tummy so that you scratch it.
c. They keep miaowing and knocking things over.
d. They curl up, covering their head with their paws.
Majority a) : Friendly playmate
Your cat loves to go out and have a good time. They get on well with humans and animals alike. They are your best friend in the whole wide world.
Majority b) : Lazy-ass playmate
Your cat loves your company, but you are in tough competition with nap time! They don't tend to make an effort with playing and their fights with other cats seem to take place in slow motion.
Majority c) : Authoritarian playmate
Your cat doesn't follow the rules, they MAKE the rules. They decide when it's playtime and when it's time to stop. They are the boss of the house and will not hesitate to remind you so.
Majority d) : Shy playmate
Shy cats like to interact with their pet parents but won't be the ones to initiate the activity. They like to be treated with patience and to participate when they feel like it.
So, which kind of playmate is your cat?
source : catster