Behind this complicated word hides a parasite that affects rabbits and, to a lesser extent, guinea pigs, mice and rats. Discover the symptoms, causes and treatments of encephalitozoonosis.

What are the symptoms of encephalitozoonosis?

The symptoms of encephalitozoonosis are mostly neurological, renal and opthalmologic:

  • Paralysis
  • Loss of appetite and energy
  • Weakness in the hindquarters
  • Incontinence
  • Excessive thirst
  • Renal deficiency
  • Nystagmus (involuntary oscillatory movement and twitching ocular globes)

What are the causes of encephalitozoonosis?

Encephalitozoonosis is caused by a protozoic parasite called encephalitozoon cuniculi or more simply, e-cuniculi. It circulates in the blood of the infected animal and settles in the kidneys and the brain.

The most frequent mode of contamination is from the mother to the kid via the blood and milk. Encephalitozoonosis can also be transmitted by contact with urine, if the parasite has made its way to the animal's kidneys. Another rodent can also be infected if it has ingested food that has entered into contact with the urine of an infected animal.

Contamination via vector is rare but possible.

Can encephalitozoonosis be transmitted to humans?

Transmission of encephalitozoonosis is extremely rare. However, immunodeficient people (transplant patients, AIDS-sufferers, new-borns...) are more susceptible than others. They should therefore avoid rodent's urine and wash their hands after all contact.

How can encephalitozoonosis be cured?

Unfortunately, treatments against encephalitozoonosis are rarely 100% effective. The most recent treatment, panacur, lasts at least 28 days. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatories can be prescribed alongside the treatement.

If an X-Ray reveals fractures, notably on the vertebral column, there may need to be surgery.

In order to offer your rabbit the best possible quality of life despite their illness that becomes a handicap, it is necessary to adapt their lifestyle. Therefore, in order to avoid any accident or fall, you may need to fill their cage with cushions.

Did you know about Connaissiez-vous encephalitozoonosis?

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