If you are tired of watching your poor cat or dog trying to get rid of ticks and fleas, this article is for you!

Tick and Flea

As cats wander around outside, it is easy for them to pick up fleas from other stray cats. Taking your dogs for walks in long grass also results in them picking up ticks, as long grass is a tick’s paradise! Instead of having to remember the monthly applications for your pet and making regular trips to the vet, there is a new invention for you to try.


Have you heard of Seresto? This is a new pet collar which protects them from ticks and fleas for up to 8 months! The collar is available for both cats and dogs. It has been developed using a new blend of materials. This means that it can release active ingredients in measured, very low doses which will not harm your pet or your family.

This collar can be worn together with your pet’s normal collar; it also includes a double- safety system for cats. This new invention also comes in a 100% recyclable tin which supports a greener world!


Safe for Pets

Seresto has been tested to make sure it is safe for animals to wear. It can also be used in combination with other medicines! Puppies from 8 weeks old and kittens from 10 weeks can start wearing the collar.

The collar is easy to apply. The first step is to remove it from the bag in the tin and to unroll the collar. Make sure you remove any plastic fragments left from the production process from the collar. After putting it around your dog’s neck, push one end of the collar through the loop. This works exactly the same for your cat’s collar.

Has anyone tried this new product yet? Let us know!

Source: seresto.com

Photo Credit: www.bayeranimalhealth.co.za & seresto.com 

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