Yummy or Not

What is Yummy or Not?

Yummy or Not is Yummypets' original and most celebrated game. Its operation is simple – two participant photos are selected at random for voters to choose their favourite. To participate, you must have a Yummypets account and a validated pet profile.

How do I participate in Yummy or Not?

To participate, click on ‘Join Yummy or Not’ then choose your favourite photo of your pet. You can change the picture you use for each entry into a Yummy or Not game. If you have multiple pet profiles on Yummypets, you can also participate with each profile. Yummy or Not is currently available on the Yummypets desktop version, as well as via the iOS & Android applications.

How does the scoring system work?

We have recently changed the scoring system to a monthly schedule. This means that at the beginning of each month, all scores are reset to zero. To remain fair to all participants, we will remove Yummy or Not contestants from the competition who have been inactive for two months.