Quilt, stash, cozy sofa, kitchen... all these spots and spaces are for your cat.
Charles Baudelaire understood this when he said that "everything here is luxury, calm and voluptuousness".
Cats do not ask that you spend a fortune, and even if faced with a cashmere sweater and a sweatshirt, they will choose wisely!
Cats are much more sensitive to their environment than dogs. Thus soundscape disorder sometimes bothers cats more than we think. Do not put the litter box next to the washing machine or dryer, especially if you program in your absence. The triggering of these devices, as well as noise, vibration and moisture generated can upset your cat so that they will flee this "cursed litter box". New robotic vacuum cleaners delight some cats who see it as prey of a new kind or harass as it is under the beds, sofas and all dark and quiet corners they hunt the dust, and prevent your cat from sleeping soundly!
If you have teenagers, you'll see pretty quickly that cats don't like video games, techno music, but they will still wait for bedtime to cuddle up with them when all is quiet.
Perched up high
In general, especially with children in the house, who are beginning to discover the joys of wandering and singing, it is necessary to construct small quiet corners for your cat. What your cat loves above all is to have a high spot to control the situation, and to observe at will and a warm place to sleep in peace. So just invest in new blankets - polar or better, comforter, an incomparable softness - to make blankets or cushions that you will put in strategic locations where you want your cat to find refuge. These new materials that incite knead happiness, are ideal for saving your sofa or bed and allow your cat to sleep and dream peacefully without increasing your load of cleaning and ironing.
Secure black holes
Cats are speleologists, unable to resist the temptation to go on an adventure, dilated pupils, entering an imaginary mouse hole... Be careful with the washing machine or the dryer, cabinet doors, anything that is dark and tempting to go for a nap.