Man's best friend needs a lot of sleep: puppies sleep about 90% of their time, and an adult dog about 65%, and if they don't get their quota, they can be aggressive. It is therefore important to take all precautions to ensure that your pet is rested and healthy.

To begin with, it is important to have a dedicated spot for your dog to sleep in. A dog's sleeping spot determines their place in the hierarchy. For instance, if you let your dog sleep in a high place, they will be in a dominant position. You must, therefore, ensure that they're sleeping in a place where they cannot monitor everything that happens in the house.

Another important aspect to keep in mind is the bedding. This can be a carpet, mattress, or a dog bed. It does not matter what kind. However, it is important to be able to wash it regularly. It should also be large enough for your furry friend to sleep in comfortably. If your dog has health issues such as osteoarthritis, they need bedding that thick enough for them to sleep comfortably. If you notice that your dog sneezes around their bed, it is possible that your pet is allergic. In cases like this, the bed should be replaced by a different bed that is made of natural or hypoallergenic material. You can also decide to let your dog sleep outside. In this case, make sure that they have a shelter that protects them from wind and moisture. Keep it clean and disinfect it every month.

Let us now focus on your pet's sleep. It has several cycles (usually three) and is made up of two phases of sleep.

First, there is the deep or slow-wave sleep: their brain activity has slowed down, but the muscle is maintained. Then, there is REM sleep. During this phase, their brain activity is intense and you might even believe that your dog is awake! All their muscles are relaxed and that is when your companion dreams. They may move their legs, jump, or even bark ! We think they relive the activity of their day. REM sleep lasts an average of 6 minutes and it appears every 20 minutes. Each cycle lasts about two hours: an hour and a half of deep sleep and 30 minutes of REM sleep. Sleep is crucial for your companion. It allows them to set their memory and thus learn better (like us) . In addition, this is the time when their metabolism recovers, which is why older dogs sleep more than young ones!

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