Why does my cat chew plastic

Why dose Oreo my cat chew plastic
  • Zoey Z.

    Thanks every one
  • Lori J.

    My indoor kitty starts chewing plastic grocery bags if he has a hair ball. When I notice him chewing more frequently I take him outside on a leash and he will eat some grass, throw up the hair ball and be good for awhile.
  • Miranda Matykiewicz

    My kitten does that too it's just a crinkling sound they like. Buy your cat a play tunnel they make the same noise and keep plastic bags in a drawer in your house
  • YummyOrNot Y.

    No the vet did not say that
  • Advin R.

    May be she is surviving with "pica" including dental disease or gastrointestinal disorders.

  • YummyOrNot Y.

    It crinkles


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