What is the typical amount of exercise and playtime required by Ragdoll cats?

What is the typical amount of exercise and playtime required by Ragdoll cats?

  • Lucy M.

    Ragdoll cats generally need around 15-20 minutes of active playtime a few times a day. Interactive toys like feather wands or laser pointers are great for keeping them mentally and physically engaged. Adapt the playtime based on your Ragdoll's individual preferences and energy levels. Providing scratching posts and climbing structures also helps fulfill their natural instincts and keeps them happy and healthy.

  • Karyn L.

    A general guideline to follow is that you should play with your cat between 30-60 minutes each day. You can adjust the total length of playtime based on your cat’s individual activity level, daily schedule and play preferences. Experts recommend that you break up play into shorter sessions spread throughout the day.When learning how to play with a cat, it’s key to remember that your cat doesn’t have a very long attention span. Short play periods lasting from 10-15 minutes will be most effective for cats playing with toys. This makes sure your cat is engaged and will get the most out of each session without getting bored or overexerted from sitting through one long period of playtime.


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