Hair matting

I have a 29 pound Maine coone cross who is very terrified of everything like loud noises and he is not very  social in the being able to pick him up and hold him department. He freaks out when we try and put him in a carrier for vet visit and cannot be groomed. Because of his size he sometimes gets mats under his front arms and chest area and he doesn’t like to be brushed long enough for me to work them out. He bolts when I bring out clippers and he gets away if I sneak scissors near him and try and clip them out. The vet gave some gaba pills but they are huge and he won’t take them. Any help to get him calm? 

  • Melanie P.

    Hi! I am a Maine Coon breeder in Utah and have dealt with this exact issue a time or two. The boy on my main page, Greek Garden Maine Coons, just loves to mat on his butt and armpits, and he used to not put up with manhandling. Gabapentin is very helpful until you are able to get him more used to you. My advice: take the pills and crush them into a powder, mixing in water. My pills for example are 300 mg so I add 3 mL of water and then give them 0.5-1 mL of the liquid, which equates to a dose of 50-100 mg. Hold him gentle but firm and syringe the liquid into his mouth. You might need a second person to assist, and you can also try wrapping him in a towel to calm him. Start lower, they will kind of freak you out if you go past 100 mg, lol. Give it two hours to be at its peak.


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