Buy a horse


Did someone buy a horse through website?

  • pigi S.

    Connaître le prix d'un cheval est un élément fondamental lorsque l'on envisage d'avoir un cheval, c'est-à-dire d'en acheter un. Si vous vous êtes rendu compte de la disponibilité et du temps qu'implique un tel animal, vous devez aussi avoir anticipé son financement au moment de l'acquisition et sur le long terme.

    J'ai consulté récemment un site qui en parle. Voici le lien

  • Alex L.

    Hey @Ariana! Hopefully, you have bought your Horse. For enhancing your Horse Riding. I want to suggest to you a Website where you are buying all the necessary stuff. they have really good Breeches, Polo-Shirts, Helmets & Different styles horse riding boots and much more.

  • Hanna L.

    In general, the best and proven way to buy by word of mouth, as for me

  • Hanna L.

    Yeah. I bought my Lolli on the horseweb

    Pretty nice place with useful information and big amount of horses.

  • Jimmie O.

    You should avoid buying horses online. They can have a lot of health issues, that you might not see. Best to take your veterinarian with you once you decide to ho horse-shopping .
  • Chewy

    Hi Arina,

    You might like to try asking some horse dedicated websites / forums. We have a few horses on Yummypets but not a large range, so you might have better luck on a dedicated platform. 

    Good luck!

  • Arina H.

    I mean, not locally, but with some shipping/delivery involved.


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