What's better can dog food or kibbles or a mixture of both?

I was wondering if i should give my dog can dog food only or both can food and kibbles mixed in the can food ?

  • Violet M.

    It’s really preference, look at the ingredients though as that’s what will make a difference in terms of nutrition and health. 

  • Jon11115

    Mixing canned dog food with dry kibble can actually be a great idea! It provides variety in texture and taste for your dog, making their meals more interesting and potentially more appetizing. Additionally, some dogs may prefer the mix of wet and dry food over just one type.

    However, it's essential to maintain a balanced diet. Ensure that the combination meets your dog's nutritional needs and doesn't exceed their daily calorie requirements. Check the feeding guidelines on the packaging of both the canned food and kibble, and adjust the portions accordingly to maintain a healthy weight for your pup.

    If you're unsure about the proportions or if your dog has any specific dietary needs or health concerns, consulting your veterinarian is always a good idea. They can offer guidance tailored to your dog's individual needs.


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