pain in anus

Since last night he has been crawling on the floor trying to scratch his anal area and he has been licking himself all night, today I have seen that a white liquid and a little blood comes out of him, when cleaning it he has screamed.

  • Ana W.

    It sounds like your dog may be experiencing discomfort or pain in the anal area. This could be due to a variety of issues such as an anal gland problem, an infection, or even an injury. It's important to take your dog to the vet as soon as possible for an examination to determine the cause of his symptoms and to receive proper treatment. In the meantime, you can try to keep your dog comfortable by preventing him from licking or scratching the area and by providing a soft bed or cushion for him to rest on. Avoid attempting to clean the area or applying any medications without consulting with your vet first, as this may cause further irritation or harm.


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