stunted emotional and mental growth

My girl Judy came from horrific circumstances and abuse and had the beginnings of malnutrition.. I got her at 7 months old she is now a month shy of being 6yrs old. My question is it seems that Judy now feels safe mentally and emotionally that her puppy behavior that she should have fully came out as a puppy is now shining all the way through for the first time. Is that called a stunted puppy hood? Someone please help me out with understanding this new phase of her development? I love it and it’s cute.  

Yes she was stuffed in a crate and came from a dog fighting atmosphere! 

  • Ana W.

    It is possible that Judy's behavior is a result of her past traumatic experiences and abuse. These types of experiences can cause animals to develop behavioral issues, such as fear, anxiety, and mistrust of humans. It's also possible that her past experiences caused her to miss out on important socialization and learning experiences during her puppyhood.

    It's not uncommon for dogs who have experienced trauma to exhibit behaviors that are more typical of puppies, even as adults. This is often referred to as "behavioral regression" or "stunted development."

    It's good that you have noticed the change and it could be a sign that she is feeling more secure and comfortable in her environment. It's important to continue to provide her with a safe, stable, and loving environment, as well as positive reinforcement-based training and socialization. She may need more patience and understanding in her behavior as she may have missed a lot of experiences in her puppyhood. It's also a good idea to consult with a professional dog trainer or behaviorist who can help you understand and manage Judy's behavior in a positive way.


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