How to adopt a dog?

Adopting a rescue dog is to save lives. Recently I wanted to adopt a dog. I also added a dog companion to my Corgi. Adopt dogs have a set of standardized procedures, welcome to give me advice, thank you very much.

  • balliewilliams

    Adopting a dog needs courage and you are doing a great job if you're thinking of adopting a rescue dog. Rescuing a dog means you’re adopting a dog that is in need and literally saving their life. One of the great advantages of adopting a dog is that they offer a lot of love and attention to their owners. Once you adopt a street dog, it will follow you all day around, play with you, and will never try to harm you. By adopting a rescue dog you're saving the life of a dog as many street dogs die from disease, starvation,  cold, are hit by cars or are killed in fights with other dogs. 

  • Jimmie O.

    Hello! So glad the dogs are getting rescued. First, find a local rescue shelter and contact them. They will know which dog is socialized and ready for adoption. You will need to fill up some forms and you can take I'm home. The first couple of weeks will be difficult, but it will be al worthwhile ☺ 

  • Chewy

    Thanks for sharing guys, that's awesome! :D

  • Chewy

    Hey Lituo,

    Check out these articles for useful tips on how to adopt a dog. Love that you want to rescue a pooch, a beautiful gift to a beautiful animal!

    We hope you and your new buddy have a wonderful time together!  


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