Possessive Peeing and Barking

Little Hank is almost 3 years old. Some would call him a covid puppy because he arrived during the height of the lockdown. So he wasn’t socialised as he should have been. I’ve tried socialising him with other dogs. Even volunteered at a dog grooming salon. The barking and possessiveness has always been an issue. So I started taking him on walks during non peak times. Where nothing would trigger him. He has always been possessive and would occasionally pee in the house. But now.. A few months back I ended up in hospital for a week. During my absence my stepson stayed with Little Hank. When I returned he had peed on MY bed every corner of the house, and I can’t get him to stop. I’ve tried retraining him. I must be doing it wrong. Cause nothing works. If anyone goes near me or even has the nerve to touch me. Little Hank will lose his mind! The barking? If we are in the car and I pull in somewhere he will begin a high pitched bark so bad my ears ring and the looks I get. People must think I’m hurting him the way he carries on. I’ve tried everything. Treat redirection, clickers, crating. As a last resort I tried the a vibrating bark collar. That he thought was amusing and didn’t stop the barking. The only thing that ever did work was a blast of air but costs $12 a can. The can does all of 4 blasts. Can’t afford it. If anyone has any suggestions I’m open to any help. Thank you 

  • Heidi M.

    Some helpful tips for both peeing and barking Little Hank include:

    - If your dog is peeing, take them outside frequently and reward them with treats or lavish praise when they go potty in the right spot.

    - Make sure your dog has plenty of exercise, as this can help tire them out and lessen the urge to bark. A tired dog is a good dog!

    - If your dog is barking for attention, provide positive reinforcement when they are quiet. This could include treats, petting, or verbal praise.

    - Be consistent with training and make sure you are rewarding your pup for good behavior.


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