• Cat

Scaredy Cats TNR

Scaredy Cats TNR traps approximately 120 cats per year for 3 years now. They are passionate about feral cats. The mission of Scaredy Cats TNR is to improve the lives and circumstances of cats at the community level. They provide education to people who interact with feral cats, rescue and intercede on behalf of felines.

Icone sablier

Campaign March 2024

165 pound(s) of kibble

Icone profil

6153 CLICK(S)

Goal: 165 pounds

Illustration d'un homme et d'un chien

They also need

  • Cat
Cattyshack, Inc.

165 pound(s) of kibble


7608 CLICK(S)

1 day left

How it works


Select the association(s) of your choice.


Every day, give your click donations to reach the goal!


Once the goal is reached, Yummypets delivers the kibble to the associations.