• Cat

Soft Landing Animal Rescue and Sanctuary, Inc.

The mission of Soft Landing Animal Rescue and Sanctuary, Inc. is to provide a safe place for animals in need of extra care to come to be rehabilitated, and eventually placed for adoption. They take their rescue tortoises and reptiles on educational days at nursing homes, schools, etc. Their rescue takes in cats who have behavioral problems, who need the extra time to trust people, and cats who are sick or injured. They also take in reptiles, miniature horses and donkeys.

Icone sablier

30 days left

2 pound(s) of kibble

Icone profil

134 CLICK(S)

Goal: 165 pounds

Illustration d'un homme et d'un chien

They also need

  • Cat
Whiskers, Inc.

165 pound(s) of kibble


129 CLICK(S)

30 days left

  • Cat
Locks 4 Paws

165 pound(s) of kibble


127 CLICK(S)

30 days left

How it works


Select the association(s) of your choice.


Every day, give your click donations to reach the goal!


Once the goal is reached, Yummypets delivers the kibble to the associations.